We Are Chasing Money Not Men – Tolanibaj Throws Shade - Naija Famous Blog

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October 05, 2020

We Are Chasing Money Not Men – Tolanibaj Throws Shade


Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) star, Tolanibaj went live on Instagram, and threw a shade at a fellow housemate, as she said she is chasing money and not men.

She didn’t state clearly who she was talking about though.

The housemate of the just concluded Big Brother Naija reality show, was heard saying in a recent live video that she is “chasing money and not men”. A friend also backed her up in the live video.

Watch her speak below;

Her post has been explained by some as a shade to Dorathy who is now drawn closer to Tolanibaj’s supposed boyfriend, Prince.

As we all know, Prince was in a romantic relationship with Tolanibaj during their stay in the BBNaija house.

She has been rumored to be ousted and replaced with Dorathy who recently sent a special appreciate card to Prince, saying he is her ride or die.

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